Sunday, March 29, 2009


I found my wedding ring in the metal heart on what used to be my side of the bed. Is it a message?

Love, what a strange feeling and emotion. Perhaps in the beginning, we had Love. After many years and injustices, love had died. Love is gone. Perhaps this is a metaphor for our love, Cold and Hard, like the metal heart that the symbol of love is in . The ring is placed in a cold, metal heart; like mine and hers has become in this relationship. Shiny, silver, stainless, white gold, but cold like our hears towards each other.

Perhaps, we did love each when we took the vows of marriage, but we do not or did not know how to love each other or what kind of love the other one needed. Or if we did try to love, it was spurned by the other and we thought that it was an injustice and a personal affront. We could not deal with how the other loved us and we wanted more than they could give. Even if we tried to do something about it, it was killed and the cycle would start again.

What one person needed as love the other could no give and they could not be happy with it; each needing it they way they wanted it, never giving to the others demands of how LOVE should be.

Perhaps this, in the end, is what and how our love died; with two cold metal hearts to one another. Not meaning that we can never love again, just never love each other again. Perhaps if we can take one thing with us in this ending, perhaps we can learn from our mistakes, perhaps our hearts can love again somewhere down the long road that is our life. Perhaps somewhere down that road, we can try to forgive the other person of their injustices against one another and make peace in the soul and spirit...

Like Dr Strange Said, "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." I guess that we tried to love and we all lost in the miserable end, killing what we once had, if only for a little while, that strange and wondrous thing called love...

How Do You Feel...
Let Me know...

Last Snow 1.6

Last Snow 1.6
Originally uploaded by RMStringer
This is sometimes how Love and Life get. We feel that love takes a final stand and sometimes get buried under a lot of crap. We hope that it will pop back up and begin anew but alas, sometimes, it is so damaged that it cannot continue.

Sometime, it takes a lot of crap for us to see what is really going on in our life and that we have been buried under the snow, all frigid and cold. And that now it is time for a new love of life to grow and blossom with the changing season. This photo reminds me of this when i look at it.

I hope that you live if springing back up and will take bloom and become green with happiness with the changing season, that the cold and snow can be shed off and will melt away...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thought For The Day...

"Which is more difficult, to awaken one who sleeps or to awaken one who, awake, dreams that he is awake - Søren Kierkegaard

How Do You Feel...
Let Me know...

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, the big D work has hit me. I filed yesterday. I feel better than i have in a long time. A great weight has been lifted from me. I want to be amicable in this whole deal but a sleeping beast has been awoke...


Things in life get all crazy and people get hurt!! Life gets in the way when you try to communicate and it does not work. Communication is the key to lots of issues and when you loose that, you have lost a lot more...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We have been through a lot and there is a lot of water under our bridge; perhaps the flood has come and the footings are gone for good without any chance of recovery or repair this time.

Why do we always hurt the ones we love? Why do we continue to repeat the same cycle of hurt that happens over and over again? When we hurt them, they hurt us and we cant break the cycle. It continues and continues till any and all love is gone from the heart.

Who is totally to blame? I know i am a hard person to live with but so is she. Why does this cycle feed off of itself? We all see injustices in our little world that we perceive to be done to us that hurt and then we retaliate against that hurt; thus beginning the cycle over again.

I was told that only a miracle will ever make her love me again...

I do not look for one of those to ever occur in this instance of the word.

Perhaps we have grown apart and this is the end of that growth; where we really do not care what is going on with eachother or in the others world...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Level 42 - Leaving Me Now

I have always loved this song and i have felt like it for the last few weeks...

Busted Wall

Busted Wall
Originally uploaded by RMStringer
Sometimes this is how i feel. All busted and getting torn down from the ravages of time. The feeling of not being wanted or useful anymore, like i have not life left in me and the only thing left to do is "Tear Down The Wall!"

Do i not have any more value left in me?

Broken Sight...

Broken Sight...
Originally uploaded by RMStringer
This photo reminds me of how we look at life sometimes. It gets all shattered and broken up like a window that has been hit. Every know and then, we get a piece that falls out and gives us a clear, unobstructed view of how life really is. It would be nice to always have a clear view; But for the most part, we go through life looking through a broken window...

I love how the picture of what is outside of the window is all broken up from the glass. It has a tint to it and makes it look much darker than it really is. It was a cold overcast day around the 30 degree mark with a strong North wind blowing.

New Life...

New Life...
Originally uploaded by RMStringer
Looks like spring is finally starting to arrive for us. It is if these plants just jumped out of the ground in a matter of 2-3 days. It looks like they have a some type of bloom that is forming on the top of the stalk. I wonder what they will be?

Good Music?

What happened to the day when an artist made an album that was good? I MEAN REALLY GOOD!! Peter Gabriel - "So" had like 5 number 1 hits on it and the rest was good! Not one damm song that sold a million copies. So much crap out today...

Hello and Welcome...

This blog has changed directions and now will be about my thoughts, personal and otherwise, about life, love, and death.