Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last Snow 1.6

Last Snow 1.6
Originally uploaded by RMStringer
This is sometimes how Love and Life get. We feel that love takes a final stand and sometimes get buried under a lot of crap. We hope that it will pop back up and begin anew but alas, sometimes, it is so damaged that it cannot continue.

Sometime, it takes a lot of crap for us to see what is really going on in our life and that we have been buried under the snow, all frigid and cold. And that now it is time for a new love of life to grow and blossom with the changing season. This photo reminds me of this when i look at it.

I hope that you live if springing back up and will take bloom and become green with happiness with the changing season, that the cold and snow can be shed off and will melt away...

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