Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Distant Future Memory...

Originally uploaded by RMStringer
Through my photography i express myself. I am able to find my creative and artsy center and also my technological side. For me it is personal and i look at the world in a different way.

When people and my friends, close friends notice and make comments about my work, i get filled with emotion. Good emotions and more yearning to strive to make better photography. But i also get filled with a sadness from them as well.

All i wanted from om other half, when i had her, was for her to accept this new me and to realize the passion that i had from my creations. All i got was mocking and scorn or money comments. I just wanted her to say that i was a good photographer and that my work was good, not that it was good when she wanted and needed me to do a photo for her.

In that aspect, acceptance was what i wanted from her and that my photography, my art, my passion, could and did not have a price that she could hold in her hands. The boat on the lake that i so love and the God created sunset in the sky is a future that we could have had. A glimpse of a future that will not be for us to have for she could not see the beauty and art in my passion... Only the bottom dollar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt something when I looked at your blog for the first time and saw this picture of a boat on the water and a setting sun! This is a very cool pic. I love it.
It's a shame she couldn't see your talent and appreciate it. A major loss on her part.